The Puli is often referred to a the "Dreadlock Dog" for its corded coat. The corded coat allowed the Puli to adapt to environments and stay safe in its working dog past
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Puli's were developed as a Sheepherding Dog in Hungary
Today they are loyal family dogs and excel in the show ring
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Puli's Have High Energy
With working dog orgins as a herding dog the Puli needs exercise and mental stimulation
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Puli's Coat Weighs 5-7 Pounds
Many people think Puli's are larger than they are due to their coat. A typical Puli coat is long and heavy adding perceived bulk to this medium sized dog
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Although the coat of a Puli requires much time with maintenance their owners find that cording th ecoat into long flat or round dreadlocks is therapeutic
Puli Lovers Find Cording Their Coat to Be Therapeutic
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