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Optimize your conversion rates using web stories

The only way to increase the number of customers is to optimize your conversion rates. Luckily, StorifyMe is here to show you how.

Customer Success Team
September 11, 2024

The goal of every marketing campaign, whether it is done through emails, social media, or SEO management, is to acquire customers. All the effort of creating content, seeing that it is aligned with modern trends, and publishing it is an effort to engage with an audience and convince them to do business with you. In most cases, people put a lot of time into finding leads. But, what they often fail to do properly is to convert those leads into paying customers. So, for this article, we will give you an in-depth view of how you can optimize your conversion rates by using web stories.

Understanding conversions in e-commerce

Convers in e-commerce signifies the process of turning an audience member into a paying customer. As you can imagine, there is a world of difference between someone finding your brand interesting, and choosing to do business with you. In order to go from one to the other, the person needs to not only value your brand but essentially consider it as the best option among the rest. Along with other e-comm trends, it is important that brands adopt conversion as an ongoing task and tackle it with due care. But, as you can imagine, this is easier said than done.

Feedback form in story format
There are a lot of factors to consider if you wish to properly optimize your conversion rates.

Why are conversions difficult?

The main difficulty with conversions in e-commerce is that you need to find a certain sweet spot. On the one hand, you need to provide ample arguments as to why people should do business with you. If you simply post interesting content, you will gain the interest of your audience. But this interest won't convert to them doing business with you. It is necessary to explain that your brand is the best and that they should choose you over your competition. If you fail to do so while the viewer is interested in your content, you will lose them. They will either go to check what your competitors have to say. Or, they will start looking for someone who is more direct in what they provide.

On the other hand, you don't want to be too heavy-handed. While you do want to push your viewers towards conversions while they are interested, you want to do so in a gentle, non-intrusive way. If you are too aggressive with your conversions, the viewers might feel too forced to convert. As such, they will be reluctant to do so, or might first consider what your competitors have to offer.

Key factors to successful conversions

Unfortunately, there is no one-for-all solution when it comes to conversions. Every brand needs to find its own way of guiding viewers' attention from mere interest to outright conversion. This will depend on:

  • The type of content that the brand will use.
  • Whether the company is B2B or B2C.
  • Target audience and what they prefer.
  • How the competition tackles conversion (you want to stand out, but still make use of industry trends).
  • What has worked in the past, and what hasn't.

Fortunately, there are plenty of tools that brands can use to improve various factors that lead to conversions. In almost all of these aspects, web stories can be of help. Due to their flexibility and dynamic nature, you can use web stories to improve your content and ensure that it naturally leads to conversions.

Use web stories to optimize your conversion rates

We've often written about the creative potential of web stories and how versatile they can be. Therefore, we won't try to list all the examples of how you can use web stories to optimize your conversion rates. After all, doing so would take much more than a single article. Instead, we will only give you a couple of examples that will, hopefully, give you an idea of how useful web stories can be. Once you understand this, you should look to integrate these ideas with your brand and find unique ways to use web stories to boost conversions in e-commerce.

Dicount code for the next purchase
The sooner you start creating web stories, the sooner you will realize how useful they can be for conversions in e-commerce.

Getting viewers attention

It is by no means a secret that getting viewers' attention is becoming harder and harder. While before you could simply rely on standard marketing content to do the job, today it is becoming less and less effective. Fortunately, web stories give you an easy way to capture and maintain the viewer's attention. Due to their bite-sized format and "straight to the point" design they are quite effective in gluing viewers to your brand. This is why web stories are so valuable for publishers. Once the viewer is interested, you can look to guide them to full-fledged conversions. But, as for the first step, know that web stories are quite potent.

Guiding viewers to CTA content

As we mentioned earlier, converting viewers to customers is a process. It is a journey that starts when the user first interacts with your content. And ends when they hire you. The crux of this journey is the CTA (Call To Action) content. As the name suggests, this is the content that outright calls the viewers to hire you. Examples of CTAs include:

  • Call us now.
  • Learn more on our website.
  • Contact us.
  • Hire us.

As you can see, this is the moment when the viewer decides whether they will become a customer or not. As such, it is important that these CTAs are naturally vowed into the content around them. Well, here again, web stories come into play. Through them, you can easily lead the viewer's attention and have them check out your CTA.

Call to Action, being one of the biggest factors in conversion rates
It is much easier to improve conversion rates once you understand how and when to use CTAs.

Using web stories for CTA

Another way to use web stories is as CTA content. As previously stated, web stories can contain many different elements. You can even use them as an easy way for your viewers to hire your services or buy your products. If you integrate web stories with your brand properly, you can easily post various aspects within story content. And you can dynamically change what aspects you will host and when.

Keep in mind that your CTA should stand out from the rest of the content. But, it also needs to be in line with it, so that it feels natural. In both these aspects, web stories come as an effective type of content. You can use visual elements to ensure that web stories have the same tone as the rest of the content. And you can use written elements to actually propose your CTA. All in all, there are a lot of ways to utilize web stories as CTA. And the more you look into them, the sooner you will find those that work with your brand.

Final thoughts

What we've listed so far should give you an idea of how you can use web stories to optimize your conversion rates. As you can imagine, there are other ways in which story content can be utilized. In-app stories, for instance, hold great conversion potential as they can be personalized to a great extent. And the more you integrate your online store with web stories, the easier it will be to improve overall conversion. But, instead of going over every individual instance, we would advise you to start creating web stories. StorifyMe provides an intuitive platform that you can use to create story content for free. Once you start using it, ideas for improved conversion will pop up on their own accord.

Create your first story within a minute!

AI-powered assistant will do all the heavy lifting for you, allowing you to focus on what you do best - engaging with your audience.

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