Warm up your leads in your Shopify store with web stories
Not sure how to find customers? Then you better learn how to warm up your leads to your Shopify Store by using web stories.
Web stories can be surprisingly effective on many fronts. You can use them to boost your email campaign and see people actually read and enjoy your emails. Or you can use them to spruce up your website, and present visual content with refreshed allure. But, what eStore managers often fail to realize is that you can also use web stories to guide and acquire leads.
In this article, we will explore how to warm up your leads to your Shopify Store. You'd be surprised at how well StorifyMe connects to web stories, and how effective it can be to combine the two.
Why is it important to warm up your leads to your Shopify Store
With the newest templates and tools, Shopify allows you to create a terrific store. You can outline how and when your products will be showcased. And you can properly incorporate your branding through the customer journey. But, all of that will be for nought if you don't first warm up your leads to your Shopify Store and see that they are ready for what you are about to sell.

Guiding user attention
People that deal with sales are well aware that you cannot simply make a sales offer to a person. Even when cold calling, you need to make some introductions and explain what you wish to sell. Every product that you wish to sell has some idea behind it. Be it that it is high quality, trendy, cost-effective, durable... Whatever selling point you have, there should a distinct reason why people should buy your product. And in order to present that idea, you need to guide their attention properly.
For example, let's say that you are offering high-quality running shoes in a sports goods store on Shopify. If you simply say: "Hey! Here is a quality running shoe! Buy it!", you may find a certain audience. But, to actually bring a serious crowd, you first need to outline why a person might need a quality shoe. You start by explaining the health benefits of quality running shoes, as well as the long-term cost benefits as they tend to be durable. You can even prefer this by saying that running shoes are an investment, not a product. And that no expense should be too high when it comes to joint health. What we've outlined so far is the warming up. Once you put the idea of quality running shoes, and their benefits, into the customer's mind, you can proceed to showcase your Shopify store.
Outlining the benefits of using your Shopify Store
Web stories are also quite useful for both branding and store promotion. Namely, you do not have to solely guide your leads to specific products. You can also guide them to your Shopify Store in general, and have them look through it with warmed-up interest. The idea here is to outline what your brand is all about, and how they will benefit from doing business with you. Again, you need to outline specific situations where working with your brand is the best solution. The better you get at presenting your brand as a solution to a problem, and not a simple store, the more willing the people will be to do business with you.
How to use web stories effectively
Unfortunately, web stories won't magically warm up people to your Shopify Store. Even though StorifyMe makes creating web stories surprisingly easy, you still need to know the basics of how to create one. Furthermore, you need to know where and when to place your web store in the customer journey so that it will be most effective. Finally, you need to know how to incorporate your brand in your contact, so that it is memorable yet not intrusive. Once you have your grips on this, you will be able to draw in and engage fresh leads for your Shopify Store.

Understand what you are trying to say with your web story
First and foremost, you need to understand that a web story needs to have a clear message. By nature, web stories are bite-sized. While you can create carousels where you elaborate on complex subjects, you really shouldn't hope that they will generate leads for your Shopify Store. In order to actually generate leads your web stories to need to have a clear idea end emotion behind them. The combination of the two is what will put your customers in the right mindset and actually guide them to your products.
Let's stick with our quality running shoe example. The idea is that investing in quality running shoes is not only smart but also healthy. That is clear enough. But, when it comes to emotions, you can opt for different things. For instance, you can convey the emotion of calmness by emphasizing nature. A picture of a person running through woods or open fields gives us the impression of health and wellbeing. As such, if you wish to push the "quality running shoes are healthy" angle, it is the perfect fit for a web store.
On the other hand, you can opt for a more industrial, high-quality vibe. Here you opt for a photo of a person running on a high-end treadmill. This gives the impression of high-tech, top-quality, performance-enhancing sports equipment. Depending on what you wish to emphasize, each photo can work. You just need to understand what emotion they will convey.
Proper placement
One of the reasons why web stories are such a powerful content format is that you can place them pretty much anywhere. Your website, your post, your email... Anywhere where you would otherwise place an image, you can instead put a web story. But, as it usually happens when you have a top of options, you need to understand the implication of putting web stories in specific places. Namely, in order for your web stories to lead people to your Shopify Store, they need to act as a bridge. Web stories will naturally focus the attention of the viewer. And the next logical step is to guide that attention to Shopify.
What's important to remember here is that web stories work best when you put them in a specific context. Yes, they will garner you a decent audience by simply being there. But, if you can place a well-crafted web story right after content that connects to it, you will be far more effective in finding leads.
Showcasing discounts and special offers
Arguably the most obvious use of web stories is for discounts and special offers. Namely, through web stories, you can easily capture the viewer's attention, and outline specific discounts. And by providing a link, you will easily have your customer visit your Shopify store. Keep in mind that custom-made web stories are easy to change as need be, as long as you save your template. And that, unlike Instagram stories, they will stay online for as long as you need them to.
Final thoughts
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to use web stories to warm up your leads to your Shopify Store. But, as we mentioned before, it is paramount that you know how to create them well. Regardless of whether you have a knack for visual design, you should consider hiring a professional. They can, at least, create a couple of templates and give you helpful tips on how to fill them out. Know that color, brand incorporation, font, number of slides per story... All these will have an impact on how effective your web stories are. So, don't shy away from at least talking to a professional before you start using web stories for Shopify.