Latest Update

StorifyMe Ads

May 26, 2023

Introducing our latest release with a range of exciting updates!

Integration with Google AdMob, Google AdSense and Google Ad Manager

After the latest updates, we are excited to announce that we released StorifyMe Ads! 

Last few months we have been working on integration for Google Ad Manager, Google AdMob, and Google AdSense. From now on, you can improve your ad revenue with StorifyMe Ads on your mobile app or website. 

With the new programmatic ad capability, publishers can deliver ad stories seamlessly. Even better, mobile apps can efficiently manage their direct deals and premium partnerships for story ads in Google Ad Manager, monetizing their stories easily.

StorifyMe Ads

On top of integrations with Google, we launch StorifyMe Ads which appear in between users' stories.

Improve Ad Revenue with StorifyMe Ads.

And we did some improvements as well:

🌟 Improvements
  • Improve accessibility for Mobile stories;
  • Exporting analytics will now include the CTA label as well.

And quick fixes as well:

🔧 Fixes
  • Fix occasional issues with swipe-up URL;
  • Fix occasional issues with swipe-up fonts;
  • Fix rare video display issues on Firefox

Read more about what StorifyMe Ads is, and how it can help you increase ad revenue.

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