What’s new

Check out our latest platform updates: find an overview of the latest features and improvements and a recap of recently squashed bugs.
February 22, 2023

2 New Features 🚀

December 29, 2022

2 new features 🚀 2 new improvements 🌟 3 bug fixes 🔧

November 25, 2022

StorifyMe successfully passed the pen test done by Cure53! 2 additional improvements 🌟, 2 bug fixes 🔧

October 14, 2022

1 New Feature 🚀, 1 New Improvement 🌟, 4 Bug Fixes🔧

Create your first story within a minute!

AI-powered assistant will do all the heavy lifting for you, allowing you to focus on what you do best - engaging with your audience.

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