Can split testing be perfectly done?

For marketers, salespeople, or anyone involved in a digital marketing strategy it is a necessity to know as much as possible about split testing, often referred to as A/B testing.
It is important to have the knowledge and tools to make an almost perfect split for the best comparison possible.
When it comes to stories, there are many ways in which you can conduct split testing.
Testing across platforms
If you want to be independent of common platforms, you will want to post stories on your website or your app. In such a way, you will be able to publish one version as a web story and the other as an in-app story. This will be especially useful if your audiences are similar across both of them.
Time-related testing
It is always good to split in the meaning of time. For example, you can test out one version per week. Be careful to take into consideration any occurrences that may affect the traffic on your website or app.
Split-testing the individual story elements
The ability to combine specific element events or to differentiate between them is an important detail. The best way to do so is to set a custom ID for each button, for example. And then you can easily track analytics.